DreamWorks Animation presents the new American animated family comedy film based on the book of the same name by Emma Yarlett. Directed by Sean Charmatz and written by Charlie Kaufman, produced by Peter McCown.

The story follows Orian, an elementary school kid afraid of many things but mostly terrified of the dark. Orian meets the worst fear of his life – the dark, who challenges Orian that he is nothing to be afraid of. Also, according to the dark of all the kids who are terrified of him, Orian was the loudest one; he was on a different level. The dark helps inspire the kid to overcome his fears.

The dark whisks Orian away on the roller coaster ride around the world, trying to prove that there is nothing Orian has to fear. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Also, in the trailer, Orian asks the dark, “You really think you can fix everything I am afraid of in one night?” he replies, “One night can change everything.” Even if it kills him, the dark helps him overcome all of his fears in a single night. Now, it is up to Orian to take help and succeed in building his self-esteem.

Starring Jocob Tremblay, Pul Walter Hauser and Werner Herzog. It’s only on Netflix, coming soon on February 2, 2024.

Check Out Official trailer:

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